Monday, April 5, 2010

Flat Stanley on a website!?! WOWZA!

Cousin Dru just sent this picture! It's Flat Stanley sitting in front of a blog that Dru has made. He also sent this note!

I don't think you got it. You're not real. Please listen to me. I need to you to recognize that you are nothing more than a child in my imagination, in a lame attempt to work out some of my issues and give me easy access for a few blogs. This picture I'm sending you is not real. That is Flat Stanley that I found on the internet and endowed it to you as your flat stanley, but this picture was made exclusively in photoshop. I want you to know that you were excellent for my needs and a terrific plot/blog device, but know that you are purely fictional. Please stop ignoring that.

Your Creator,


BOY OH BOY GUYS! Dru loves writing me letters! I can't wait to see what sort of Flat Stanley Adventure will happen next!

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