Monday, April 5, 2010

Hey! It's ME!

OMG! Dru did something impossible and cool! He sent me a blurry picture of me with Flat Stanley! How'd he do that?! WHY AM I BLURRY!? Well, he wrote this:

I'm sorry I have to do this right now. This is a picture of you, blurred as you are becoming extinct. You, as a work of fiction have been completed. And this picture is the best thing I can do to demonstrate how you will fade from my psyche, by showing you physically blurring out and going away with the picture of your beloved Flat Stanley sitting in the foreground. You will probably say that you are excited that the adventures are all going on, but you will have no more adventures. Let me be clear, you intentionally innocent and ignorant being, that you are no more. It was a blast. And I will remember you fondly. But you will slowly be absorbed by me, and you will become me, no longer having your own fictional mind.

Your creator,

Dru Johnston

Well... I guess that's that guys. Flat Stanley has had a lot of adventures for sure! And all my relatives are so helpful in my projects! Well... guess I gotta go now... I WANT PIZZA!

I also need a Drink.

Goodbye, Ryan. And thank you.

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